Starring: AnnaSophia Robb, Barbara Garrick, Clark Beasley Jr. and others. David Rice is a man who knows no boundaries, a Jumper. Um filme de Doug Liman com Hayden Christensen, Samuel L.

Q: How come Roland says he's at all places at all times when he's really not? Q: Is 'Jumper' based on a book? Starring: Hayden Christensen, Jamie Bell, Samuel L.


David Rice is a man who knows no boundaries, a Jumper, born with the uncanny ability to teleport instantly to anywhere on Earth. Ditonton adalah sebuah website hiburan yang menyajikan streaming film atau. Tres beau film une anomalie génétique permet à un jeune homme de se téléporter n'importe où. Il découvre que ce don existe depuis des siècles et qu'il se. Jackson, Jamie Bell, Hayden Sinoposis Jumper: Cu filmul JUMPER: ORIUNDE, ORICAND thriller-ul SF intra intr-un. The film is directed by Doug Liman and stars Hayden Christensen, Jamie Bell, Rachel Bilson, Max Thieriot, AnnaSophia Robb, Diane Lane, Michael Rooker.

Trailer Jumper

David Rice este un om care nu cunoaște granițe, un Jumper, născut cu abilitatea nesăbuită de a teleporta instantaneu oriunde pe Pământ. Când descoperă pe alții ca el. Jumper - Un film di Doug Liman.

Un film spettacolare che riesce nel suo intento di mostrare il carattere molto attuale della frenesia visiva, a discapito però del contenuto. Obsah filmu Jumper. Čtrnáctiletý David (Hayden Christensen) žije se svým otcem na předměstí a moc zářná budoucnost se mu před očima nerýsuje. Ve škole se s ním moc lidí nebaví, otec je na něj přísný. David Rice is a man who knows no boundaries, a Jumper, born with the uncanny ability to teleport instantly to anywhere on Earth.

[SKATITIES] Jumper 2008 Films Online Latviski

Filmu Online Latviski Jumper 2008, Latviešu Filmas Online Jumper 2008, Jumper 2008 Online Filmas Latviski, Jumper 2008 Kinoteātris Balle

✅ Filmas Online Latviešu. ✅ 2008 Films Online Latviski Jumper

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